Friday, September 25, 2009

Late Post: Money

Rant on: Money.

There is a good and bad side to money. I always think to the bad side, but you're free to comment about the good side. The economy is getting a bit better, but jobs are still hard. They're laying off people. Well, money is a tragedy for me. It's the #1 argument in my house between my mom and dad. You know that some point in your life,
you've felt the same way, or it hasn't happened yet, but it will. (Or it might not, who knows) I usually buy stuff for friends. Yeah yeah, I know it'd be my fault because I'm buying it for them. I know it's my own free will, but sometimes, they can take advantage of you. It may be the only reason why they're you're friend. And when you don't have enough money, you can't get the necessities. A 100$ calculator? Really? That's a lot of money. Do you know what I can buy with that? I can buy clothes that will last more then 3 years. Then I can go buy some other things for school. Not just that calculator. The TI-30XA is like a lame model now. It's like the comparison of Windows 2000 and Windows 7. People who don't have money will probably resort to violence and such. The good thing is you can buy what you want. That's about it. I think... that's about the only thing money is good for. Affording things. But there's so many downsides. It can lead to crime, death, and even home loss. That's sad for those who have had it happen to them. What is money anyway? To me, really, It's just pieces of paper that represent a rock. Don't tell me that's childish, because it's true. That's is still a correct way to look at it, so don't be saying, "Oh, you're stupid, that's wrong." How is it wrong? Money, the Dollar, is provided by the gold we mine. When we're on a gold shortage, the value of a dollar goes up. When we have a plentiful amount of gold, the value goes down. Things that cost a lot. A drink from Tapioca express, a regular, $4.43 . That's a lot. Man, I can buy 4 hot dogs with that, or a few gallons of water that can last me more them a week. The expense of everything is so much. You know that much is true, but the good thing about it is that you can afford stuff.

Rich Guy. ->

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