Monday, September 21, 2009

Television Commercials

Rant topic: Commercials on the T.V.

Don't you love it when you're watching your favorite show, then at the most dramatic part, commercial pops up? It's not one of those 20 second commercials either, it's those 3 minute long commercials, and more then 5 of them play. It feels like an eternity when it gets to commercials. Sure you can flip the channel, and you get into yet another show! And oh, you wait for that show to go to commercial, then when you flip back, you miss like half of what happened. Maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit. But what makes me mad, (and this may not apply to you), are long commercials. Like those medicine commercials. Sure, they might help you, but look at all those side effects! There was even death on there! And that Palm Pre commercial. What is that point of that? "Do you ever have one of those days, where everything seems to go your way, when you're driving and all the lights ahead of you turn green. *Bing, Bing, Bing*" Then they advertise the Palm Pre. What is the point of that? ._. And [(Just for Jeff)] That really grinds my gears. (Family Guy owns that.)

And that Cymbalta commercial, Look for it, and try to name the list of side effects! It's huge!

We should like, outlaw commercials or something. get some TiVo! Or be a God and hack your T.V.

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